Commission meetings are held in the Forum of City Hall on Tuesday evenings. The required legislative meetings begin at 7 pm. More information regarding the City Commission can be found here.
Last modified: 27 juin 2016
27 juin 2016
Commission meetings are held in the Forum of City Hall on Tuesday evenings. The required legislative meetings begin at 7 pm. More information regarding the City Commission can be found here.
Last modified: 27 juin 2016
Isiro / Province du Haut-Uélé
Siège de représentation: Immeuble Crown Tower, croisement des avenues Batetela & Bld du 30 juin, 9ème niveau, local 906. Kinshasa – Gombe / République Démocratique du Congo
Tél: +243815388698 / +243998667437
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